Home 最新動向 《88.8% 降低眼球增長》

《88.8% 降低眼球增長》

by Daniel Cheung

《88.8% 降低眼球增長》香港理工大學於權威眼科雜誌 《Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science(IOVS) 》第58期發表有關「角膜矯視OK鏡」控制近視加深成效的報告,研究顯示「角膜矯視OK鏡」降低年幼組內小朋友(6-8歲)的眼球增長達 88.8%

Protective Role of Orthokeratology in Reducing Risk of Rapid Axial Elongation: A Reanalysis of Data From the ROMIO and TO-SEE Studies

Results: Cumulative frequency curves showed that the younger subjects in the control group had the greatest and most rapid axial elongation at the end of 24 months. In the younger subjects(6⋯⋯-8years) , ortho-k lens wear significantly reduced the risk of rapid progression by 88.8% (P = 0.002). The 2-year NNT for the younger ortho-k subgroup was 1.8, suggesting that treating just two younger subjects with ortho-k would prevent one subject from experiencing rapid progression over a 2-year period of treatment. ———————————————————————-

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#IOVS #InvestigativeOphthalmologyVisualSicence
#ARVOJournal #EyeCareHK #SaveGuardYourVision
#香港護眼 #為您眼睛護航

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